Forensics, Science, and Me #atozchallenge2024


#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter F

Theme: Soliloquies (Musings and

Intrusive Thoughts)

Forensics, Science, and Me

I’m so happy to see that Netflix posted NCIS episodes, from Season 10 to 14! I don’t remember the last season I saw. In fact, I think I’ve seen Season 10 already because the episodes seem familiar. But I don’t care. I love the show! It’s an action-drama (plus comedy), but my fave parts have to do with forensics. That’s why my favorite character is Forensic Scientist “Abby Sciuto”.
I don’t really know how correct the forensic stuff they share on the show are. I am not aware of whether or not they make sure of that, and how. I do know that there was some kind of trivia the beloved “Ducky” once said about the Philippines that I knew was not exactly true/right. I guess that’s why I love BONES better.
Other than being a producer of the show, real-life Forensic Anthropologist Dr. Kathy Reichs was there for consultation, I’m pretty sure. She’s the real-life “Dr. Brennan” (did I mention I have her book, Deja Dead?). I’d trust BONES probably more than I would CSI: Las Vegas.
Anyway, if there’s something I regret about my education, it’s that I didn’t work much harder on my science subjects. I was really good in grade school, but after my sixth-grade teacher sent me back into my shell, high school suddenly was such a challenge. I hardly had any real interest in my studies in my first year. Suddenly, I got low grades, particularly in Science (Math was no surprise).
While I got better in my studies as the years went by, I kept having trouble in science subjects, which would continue throughout college. Heck, I almost didn’t graduate because of the ONLY chemistry subject that was in my curriculum! I think the teacher just took pity on me, to be honest, and finally gave me a passing grade on my remedial exam–uh–exams! So when I say I took a Master’s in Chemistry, that’s what it really means.
The thing is, I never really hated or disliked science! In fact, I’ve always been interested in certain areas of it. Let me count the ways:
I love dinosaurs, for one, just not on a very geeky level. I can recognize and name only a few off-bat. But I have a small collection of mini-dino toys. I bought an old copy of National Geographic that discussed the big lizards. I read articles about them whenever I happen on those. I watched the Denver The Last Dinosaur cartoon. I bought and read my own copy of Jurassic Park. I’ve watched The Land Before Time and other movies about them. (It’s obvious which ones.)
I enjoyed entomology, a part of my General Agriculture class. I’m sorry that I had to kill some insects, as required. But I liked learning about all those different orders in the insect world. I’m no expert, however. It was just one part of one class I took, after all. The first was plant pathology, which didn’t interest me at the time. Too science-y for my brain, maybe. The other part was weed science, which was interesting; it’s something I would’ve liked to learn more if I had enough time.
I enjoyed the laboratory class of Chemistry! I understood theories better when applied. I liked learning. In fact, I kept a copy of a basic diagram that showed how elements form into compounds. It’s gone now, I think. But I never let go of my copy of the periodic table. That’s just so ironic, but true! (Oops! Intrusive thought: Fe is iron so for fun, maybe I should say Fe-ic…Nah. That would sound like “a-yor-nic”. )
I love SciFi, an interest that my sister and I got from our father. I remember him being so proud when I was small. We were watching a show and I mentioned something about “dimension” to Ate (Big Sister). He didn’t think I knew the word, much less, understood the concept. He was so surprised. I would later, in college, buy books based on SciFi series episodes I found in thrift shops. Disclaimer: My father wasn’t any kind of scientist. He didn’t teach Science either, but Math, basic agriculture, basic woodwork, and volleyball.
SciFi was the first foundation of a friendship I formed. My friend and I talked and talked about shows, particularly, Star Trek. We even started writing SciFi stories, though I never got to finish a scene (I was more interested in the series I created). I have a small but nice collection of magazines featuring SciFi series. They are well-preserved. She had let me read her much bigger collection of magazines and Star Trek books back then. And just this January, she gifted me with some of her own copies of the said books.
I just finished watching Deep Space 9 and Voyager respectively. I only saw a few episodes of the first many years ago and never saw the second. Currently, I’m back watching The Next Generation, my favorite, to refresh my memory.
I became a Forensics enthusiast. I was aware of the field but didn’t expect to really like it. I suspected I’d be too much of a dunce for it. But I saw an episode of BONES on cable one night and fell in love. I think that’s how it all started. I love how much one can discover things through forensics. And I love good mysteries to solve! I watch documentaries involving forensics whenever I can.
In later years, I would change the story I’m writing and incorporate Forensic Science. I found a very reliable forensics site to base on. I also rewatched BONES and took notes of interesting stuff. I want to throw in real science in my story, at least.
Over the years, I found out how much I appreciate science. I read stuff. I even liked writing medical articles. It now makes me regret that I somehow gave up on science earlier in my life. If Forensic Science was already a degree here back then, and I did really well in science, who knows? Maybe I’d be a Forensic Scientist by now. But I made my choice.
One thing I learned in life is to own up and grow up. No use crying over things you can’t change. You can reminisce, grumble a little, then move on. So I’ll just enjoy science in my own ways. 🙂
(Oh, wow, wait. Finally, a practically happy post?!! Yaaay!!!)

NaNoPoblano 2023: How Artificial Do You Want It? (Part 1)

#NaNoPoblano2023 Day 4

Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate Artificial Intelligence (#AI). And whether I like it or not, it’s here to stay. 
It’s been here for decades, if you really think about it. Think of robots and automated machines — how long have our scientists and engineers been creating them and working on innovations? By the way, it’s not anymore the Internet Age. It is now the Internet of Things (#IoT) Age that has made connectivity of many, well, things even more possible. It’s made AI, Machine Learning (#ML), #DeepLearning, etc., quite relevant (and critical) in various fields.
There is also a term called “Digital Transformation“. The point of #digitaltransformation it is to improve products/devices, businesses, industries, and governments. For some, even currencies! If you’ve heard of “#bitcoin” (most probably, yes), “#blockchain“, “#holochain“, “#cryptocurrency“, or “#digital assets“, they all refer to digital money. I hardly understand them for now so I will not attempt to explain them any further.
Here’s what I do understand, though: While digital transformation is not always necessarily AI-connected, AI is recognized as a main enabler of digital transformation.
There are various scary stories of what a super AI can ultimately do, which is to overpower and reduce humans into an irrelevant species. That is, if AI does not annihilate the species first. Whatever our opinions of #ElonMusk are, he could be right about us reaching that point one way or another, sooner or later.
With the way people are constantly making AI more human year after year (hello, #Sophia), maybe such a scenario becoming a reality is not so far-fetched. I mean, just think about AI in music and theater. How much use of AI are we willing to include/allow? For now, maybe it’s relatively harmless.
“In music, AI, and more specifically machine learning (ML), is quietly emerging as the Black Box behind almost all of our interactions with music online. In fact, most of us have unknowingly been using AI- and ML-powered technology for years. Music listening platforms…use AI to perfect our experience on their respective services,…” (

NaNoPoblano 2022 (Ext.): “STOP!”

#NaNoPoblano2022 Day 17

(FB Post Date: July 10, 2023) 

I’ve been trying to write lately but I always end up sleepy and unproductive. But this song certainly woke me up. I’ve developed #LSS !!! That’s “Last Song Syndrome”, if you don’t know it yet.
I really like this song. It specifically brought back memories of me choreographing a dance using the song. I don’t remember the steps now, but hey, MAYBE I should create a new one. What do you think?  😜😜😜
I will keep listening to it to keep me perky and ALIIIIIIVVEE!!! Why there are two versions is another story that I won’t bother explain, to be honest. But let me know which you like better audio-wise! (Personally, my vote goes to version no. 1, but viewer opinions count, too) 🧐🤔

#STOP by #SpiceGirls #duet with @THOSE GUYS Short story: Posted Ver1 @J.Gi. Algo prob. Posted Ver2. Worse algo prob. Now set to private. So I stitched the two. Twice the Fun! And maybe Post No.3 is the charm… Lemme know which version you prefer! #Song #Cover #Acapella #ForYou #ForYouPage

♬ original sound – J.Gi – J.Gi

NaNoPoblano 2022 (Ext.): Be Extra!

#NaNoPoblano2022 Day 16

I found one audio. First Girl asks, “Why do you keep making TikToks when nobody watches them?” Second Girl’s answer? “You wanna know what? Somebody does watch them. I watch them. I watch my own TikToks. Okay?
Well, I can relate, Girl #2. And for some reason, I am so stubborn. Maybe it’s the Taurean in me, I dunno. For years, I have been blogging and posting videos that hardly anyone gives the time of day for. I have a few “wins” or successes, but most fail. Some on an epic level.
But do I ever really stop? Nooo. I take a hiatus more often than I should, but I keep going back. Why? BECAUSE I LIKE THEM. I love what I do. My need to create outweighs my “need” to conform to what others expect of or from me. It’s like answering the question “Why do you still write when no one reads your work?”  
Not because it’s something others don’t do, or won’t do, I shouldn’t either. Most times, they just can’t do it. So they’ll rather that I don’t also, to feel better about themselves. And no, I am not being conceited. Me? I currently only have more or less than 100 followers (people follow, people unfollow, you know).
  • 85%-90% hardly care about what I post
  • majority just want follow-backs even when some have little to none to show
  • a good number just want to sell me things
  • a good number, surprisingly, are kids who, while easier to impress, are often not that active (they actually shouldn’t be)
I am already lucky when I hit 230+ views despite the algos being whacked (I just as often get just 2 or 5 or 7 on algo-related bad days). I feel appreciated already when people, however few, hit on the heart button. And  it is already an honor for me when someone saves my works as “Favorite” once in a while.
I am obviously no big shot in the social media world. So, what is there to brag about? Only my efforts to try to make good and creative content. At least, I’m proud of that.
Those who can’t, hate on others, ignore, or accept. Jealousy is just something you feel when you can’t have/do what others can, no matter how trivial. You just don’t have the time to spare, maybe resources, or enough patience to learn and execute. We all go through that, don’t lie to yourselves. We just differ in how we address it.
I try to address mine in positive ways. I either accept or I do something about it. Like the time I was so envious of the then-current DJs on our college radio. I had always wanted to be a DJ. How did I address the problem? I turned envy into inspiration. I cast away insecurity, practiced, and auditioned. I simply enjoyed the process and got what I wanted.
For a better example, check out The Muthership:
Everything paid off, needless to say. 
Did I go off-tangent here? Not really. I am just saying (and reminding myself, too) that if you want to do something, do it. Do it without hurting anyone, including yourself, in any way. Do it without worrying about whether people will like it or not, or you’ll end up with nothing. Do it because while everybody thinks s/he’s a critic, someone may actually appreciate you and/or help you improve. Do it because, well, you want to!
Here’s an example. This trend in 2021 re-emerged in 2022. I found it and told myself I’d make it. But I didn’t just want to do it the way others did. I wanted to make it good. So the project got pushed aside for many months. No, a half-baked output just wouldn’t do…I finally decided I had to create it already or forever hold my peace (so to speak). I went to work on it and, well, you might want to hit play and see the outcome. I guareantee, my entry for this trend may not be the most viewed and most liked, but no one can say it’s not the Most Extra Entry for the trend. I’m proud of it, views or no views.

Never too late for this #trend started by @Dewey’s Piano Party . With any luck, one or two might actually watch this, ha ha haaa!!! I did work hard on it. Credits to @theasherhouse for the dog clips. #GetToKnowMe #GetToKnowMeChallenge #Introduction #AboutMe #FYP #ForYou #ForYouPage

♬ original sound – J.Gi – J.Gi

I think it’s safe to say I will keep making content, ‘no? When people expect less, BE EXTRA!!!

NaNoPoblano 2022 (Ext.): “THE MERMAID QUEEN”

#NaNoPoblano2022 Day 15

Here’s an example on how I try to stay creative in the days of #socmed and digital technology.
I found an interesting filter. So I thought, why not make something with it? So I added water and voice effects and made a little story out of it. It’s the story that made/makes it different from the rest.

It was fun! I mean, at one point, right before I finished, the phone ran out of battery and everything was lost (!). But good thing I already knew what to do so remake was way easier. I made sure to keep saving this time.
It may not be a whole story, but it’s an exercise especially on keeping a creative mind. You may find I often post things on #TikTok, but if you check them, I have added extra things or twists to them to make them more interesting. Well, to me, at least, and hopefully, to like-minded people.
Unfortunately, there aren’t/weren’t many like-minded people. Most obviously just took a look for a second and didn’t even read the caption. They left almost immediately. If I were a big content creator, they’d finish it then praise me to high heavens in the comments, even if the story sucked. It’s like ignoring normal people who can sing. Then you give great lip service to popular, almost off-key ones in hopes of getting noticed and replies…I knew that even as I was creating it. Yet, again, the need to create was overwhelming, I just had to do it. That is what non-creatives don’t understand about us.
So below is that very short one-shot scenario. I was considering making it a series but I have decided to pour my efforts on other projects. I could write a short story out of it, why not? Tell me what you think!
#POV : The powerful #Mermaid #Queen finds you trespassing in her kingdom

#POV : The powerful #Mermaid #Queen finds you trespassing in her kingdom Should I turn this into a full story? Lemme know Feel free to #duet this! #Trend #Acting #Roleplay #FYP #ForYou #DuetThis #Story

♬ Mermaid, sorrow, mystery, fairy tale, fantasy(1227981) – Yasu

NaNoPoblano 2022 (Ext.): Creepy and Cringy Songs

#NaNoPoblano Day 13

The more that I dive into social media, the more I find out about things. They are mostly good to know, but sometimes,..Okay, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s backtrack.
I had always wanted to do reaction videos. I’ve done some food product reviews on my YouTube channel. Reviews, not exactly reactions. They are similar but not the same. I did post about rapper EZ Mill’s song PANALO. Still, it did not feel like a reaction. I was planning on reacting to the newer CATS The Musical movie but I haven’t gotten around to it. Full movies posted by YT do not come for free.
Fast-forward to TikTok. When I encountered Greg Foster‘s videos, I decided to finally do reactions on his reactions. Actually, more like do reactions with him. The reason was simple: The songs he features are usually creepy, cringy ones. Thus, he calls it his Creepy Cringy Lyrics Series. He has amusing reactions and it’s good that he already has the songs recommended to him.
The plan was to create one whole video featuring three song reactions that I blindly chose from his list. However, I soon found out that all three together would not meet the 10-minute maximum length allowed. In fact, I had to also split two of the videos in halves.
There are people who actually know the first song. It’s a “kid’s song” after all. The third song wasn’t cringe but could be creepy for those not used to such plots (I knew the plot immediately). It’s the second song that fit the “creepy” and “cringy”definitions to a T.
This is where I now explain what I meant by “bad things”. I’ve been following Greg eversince. People keep suggesting songs that he should react to.
I tell you, I am shocked at the amount of songs out there that if you really listen to, would shock you, too! Surprisingly, there are even songs by famous artists and songwriters we admired during their time. These have made me lose respect for them.
They sing of graphic violence. They sing of child grooming as if it’s okay, pedophilia, child abuse. They sing of abduction, of raping as punishment. They sing of murder like it’s the most natural thing in the world. They sing of beating, chopping off body parts, playing with human entrails…To be honest, they’re much worse than just creepy and cringy!
I am appalled that such songs were created, even recorded and played on radios! It makes you think why no one taught of looking into those songs. If they could simply write such songs like it’s nothing, maybe there’s something there that’s closer to reality. Maybe they should’ve been jailed.
Not all of the songs are that crazy, though. Some are funny. I am sharing the three videos I reacted to below. They are already compiled in one. ENJOY!!!

You might want to visit Greg’s TikTok if you want to hear more.

NaNoPoblano 2022 (Ext.): “Walking the Path”

#NaNoPoblano Day 12

Social media has made access to various things available to us. But suddenly, too, anyone can be an expert.
For instance, I have encountered so many posts related to astrology and horoscopes. They tell me what I am, what I’m not, which signs are the best/worst in this or that, what I should do to find true love or become rich…Etcetera. The funny thing is, those who tell me these are mostly people who are not qualified to talk of such things. If anything, they are delusional enthusiasts pretending on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and other platforms, nothing more.
If you don’t know how to identify the legit ones from the fake or wannabes, be careful what information to believe and follow.
This post is not about astrology or horoscopes, though. I only want to emphasize how much easy it is to fall victim to wrong information. So what I do is I take most things with a grain of salt. Once in a while, there are posts that I feel could be true. I take tests, read interpretations, listen to explanations. Then I decide if I should believe.
Below is a psychological test that you, yourself, might want to take. The next one explains what each mentioned item represents. Mind you, I believe this. I had my psychologist-friend, Melany, look into it. The account owner’s professional background does add to her (owner) credibility.
Of course, I had my answers. For fun, my friend interpreted my answers. I have to say, I’m satisfied. Would you like to know her findings?
This is verbatim:

J.Gi. Projective Test Audio

“Backgrounder: I used to profile people using psychological results. I’ve written a lot of personality profiles in my lifetime. One of the tests I use is a projective test similar to the lady’s. But I’ve always done it in pen and paper. So, this verbal recounting is something new to me. But the principles still follow. In my training, ‘House’, ‘Tree’, ‘Path’ and ‘Water’ are all deeply symbolic.
What you recounted:
  • House – Western style, big, roomy, comfy
  • Trees – Tall, their effect is calming
  • Path – leads to concrete, easy access, but not too easy
  • Water – you said you played and splashed
Melany’s Take on what it means
Your family life is normal. Somehow, you idealize it. Typically, this means your background is normal. Your marriage and kids are OK. Some ups and downs, but all normal. I do not detect trauma.
Your attitude towards life is live and let live. You’re not highly anxious. You have a good sense of self. You know you can do things, you’re capable. Self-confidence is at an average level. When you encounter difficulties, you just see them as something that can be overcome. No drama about it being too hard for you. You tend to be hardworking. This is related to the last point.
You are open-minded. You are attracted to the arts, as you tend to be idealistic. You have a good aesthetic sense. You have a growth-oriented mindset.
But you are very practical and down-to-earth. I saw this with your choice of container (same as mine). As I mentioned, you tend to be industrious. You like to touch and see the results of your labor. And physical objects matter to you to some degree. In the end, you balance practicality with your idealism. Your tendency is to be a productive member of society. Family-oriented. Pleasant person to be with generally
Well, that’s all!
Tell me if any of what I wrote hits the mark!”
I think she got me perfectly!

NaNoPoblano 2022 (Ext.): I Joined a Video-Poem Marathon

#NaNoPoblano Day 10

Last December, I read a call for poets:



It sounded like a really relevant project. Naturally, I decided to join. I wanted to be a part of something this special, and I wanted to represent my country! Good thing that I already had a poem in mind, something that I also translated already. All I had to do was record.
Fast-forward to today. Well, actually, I posted about it on my Facebook writer’s page right before midnight here. I’ll just copy-paste, I hope you won’t mind.
HERE IT IS!!! I honestly did not expect to be included. Hoped, but did not expect.
For one, they already received so many entries when I submitted ON THE LAST DAY. I really forgot about recording it! So in the wee hours of the morning, I combed my hair well and let it down, powdered my face and put on a little lipstick (that’s my idea of wearing makeup), and prayed to God I looked decent enough.
I’m not into poetry-reading (and might never do it again), but this was required. I had to write down the poem because I hadn’t memorized it perfectly. Tried so hard not to be that obvious that I was reading it. Unfortunately, I couldn’t record using the preferred sizes but was told my output was okay.
So fast-forward to today. I followed/subscribed to them because I do want to check out the other entries. Most importantly, I wanted to see in case I got included. Guess what? After a few weeks, I FORGOT to check! I also wasn’t checking my notifications in my private account. I just happened to NOW. Guess what again–somebody ACTUALLY tagged me 2 days ago!
So yeah, here is my entry. Sorry in case it seems the voice is not in sync with my lip movements. Some may remember this poem. I’d like to say “Enjoy” but I don’t Know if you will, HA HA HAAA!!! That said, I’m really just glad to represent! I dunno yet if there are more Pinoys there (I won’t be surprised). Oh, and special thanks to Sir Santiago Villafania 🙂
MyPoem #FloresDeMayo #FlowersOfMay #Filipino #Tagalog #Poetry #SpokenWord #VideoPoem #TLRC #TranslationandLinguistic #PENInternational #InternationalMotherLanguageDay #WorldPoetryDay #IMLD2023


NaNoPoblano 2022 (Ext.): Have I Forgotten?

This gallery contains 1 photo.

#NaNoPoblano Day 8  (Please don’t make me explain) I have NOT forgotten. Just was not up to posting. I am now, though, so… HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! How have your first eight days of the year been? Mine, well, other than the usual things going on, social media played a part in making my days more […]

NaNoPoblano 2022: What Say You?

#NaNoPoblano2022 Day 4

I like conversations, like I said before. So I write comments to posts. Most times, they bomb, nobody cares about what I think. But a few times, oh, wow, they surprise me! What’s more surprising, though, is I usually don’t know WHY. It’s usually just simple comments, not even silly ones, and people hit the LIKE button for some reason. But hey, you know, I’m human. I can’t say I don’t enjoy some of that.

I’m sharing these few ones, explain a bit, and you decide if the LIKES are worth it (HA HA HAAA!!!). MORE TO COME!!!

Comment 1

This one’s new but there were already 443 LIKES when I took this screenshot. I guess they liked my true story…? Someone asked if my phone was still functional after. It was, because it fell directly down a pile of things. PLUS, it was a very low-tech cellphone.

By “low-tech”, I mean analog, LOL!!! If you know me, you’d know that for the longest time, I resisted owning touchscreen mobiles for myself (mainly for practicality’s sake). I have them now but I still held on to an analog up until the pandemic. I really just don’t like texting/typing onscreen. I prefer the feel of an actual keypad.

(Ed. As of January 5, 2023, there are 1,282 LIKES)

Comment 3

Translation: “Ha ha, I’ve seen that. Whose account is that again? I think it’s Kristel’s.”

This was a silly local trend a few year’s back. The girls were just playing around. It’s popular because all three are young stars who grew up in front of our eyes, so to speak. They were all a part of  a popular kids’ gag show when they were little. They’ve also done various shows and movies. The girl who started it is Sharlene San Pedro. The next one is Miles Ocampo. That’s Kristel Fulgar at the back. I saw her YouTube post of this three years prior.

The video is still getting LIKEs once in a while so I’m putting it here. I am just not sure what was so special about my comment. The number is already big for someone like me.

(Ed. As of November 30, 2022, there are still 317 LIKES. It’s slowed down.)

Comment 2

The prank was funny. But really, I just quoted him and added a few emojis. So the fact that there are 5,461 LIKEs and still counting is mind-blowing to me. What’s more mind-blowing? The fact that there are similar comments and they, too, have many LIKEs than mine!!! Some even have so much more!

(Ed. As of January 5, 2023, there are 6,347 LIKES)