A show of support for blogging’s annual marathon

Something A to Z Challenge-related, but not exactly an A to Z post…Okay, I confused you. But do read on 🙂


I’ll let you in on a little secret: A lot of professional journalists feel pretty snooty about bloggers. I know because I used to be one. In fact, I probably would have created a blog much sooner if not for the fact that for the longest time, I didn’t want to be associated with “amateurs.”

With a bit of understanding, journalists (and retired journalists) might be excused for the hostility.

  • Most journalists went to school to learn to do what they do, while many bloggers went to school and learned to do something different … something that probably pays better.
  • Journalists view writing as their career, their milk and bread, while most bloggers view writing as a hobby.
  • Journalists wrongly view bloggers’ hobby as something that helped put them out of a job. The truth is a lot more complicated than that.

While I am disgusted by some of the…

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7 thoughts on “A show of support for blogging’s annual marathon

    • Yeah, I saw that, Actually, I think there were two. Were you the other one? I was kind of late reblogging but I was going through my email inbox and “cleaning” it when I saw the topic.

      What I really just hate about following non-WP blogs is I am not directly informed via Reader of new posts, so I most times miss them.

      My degree then, which was under an institute, had subjects related to Development Journalism, one of the offered majors. Years after I graduated, the institute is now considered a college. I think (not sure), the majors are now offered as degrees. Anyway, I took up another major during my time, but I was able to do journalism through the school paper. I still learned more from my peers. 🙂


      • It was “Me in the Middle” (on WordPress.com) who reblogged it. I’m using self-hosted WordPress.org and that doesn’t have a ‘reblog’ function. I think learning by doing is the best way.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I learn easier that way, too. That was why in college, I usually got higher grades in my laboratory classes rather than the lecture ones (not that any of my science-related courses gave me high marks) 😉


  1. While I do feel blogging challenges and marathons help bring bloggers together and establish a sense of community, they are not for me. I do like the idea of getting creative and thinking out of the box for these challenges, though. But I am pretty much a free spirit and would probably drop of out halfway of such challenges. It’s one reason why I’ve never participated in Nanowrimo even though many people encourage me too, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am like you. But I really do want to do this even though I am late at times. The first two times I tried, I failed, so I don’t want to fail this time. Meanwhile, NaNoWriMo is also something that won’t work for me.

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