Sexy. That’s how some described several of my poems, some comments not without a “Whew!!!” or exclamations of the sort. Every time, I had to defend myself like it was a bad thing. I did not want my poems misinterpreted as sexual because I was not writing about sex. I felt embarrassed, to say the least, and that’s why at a period, I struggled with words when I tried writing. Then it hit me. They’re not sexual; they’re sensual, related but not exactly. I realized that that’s my art manifesting itself so why should I stay away from it? Poems are meant to be figured out, so why not let readers do just that?

Here is one that I wrote. Read on and feel free to tell me your thoughts on the comment box below 🙂 What do you think? After, check this out, too: REBORN.



With soft, nimble fingers,

you embrace your music

and embrace my soul,

weaving your magic

as my heart beats

its own drums.


The serenade continues

and I drown with

the emotional tide,

until the final chord

is plucked and my feet

touch earth again.


The wind takes away

your essence once more

yet I am at peace,

for we are simply what we are

and it is what

what we have simply chosen:


The player who holds nothing but the music.


The soul who holds more on the truth.



Copyright © J.Gi Federizo


From FineArtAmerica.com. Art by Injete Chesoni. Copyright is theirs.