Advice to a Young Lad [Part 1]

*NOTE: Sometimes, the best person to give you advice is yourself, if you’ll just listen to that little voice inside. I have been re-posting this piece not only to share my thoughts but just to keep reminding myself that I do know these and must apply what I know…If he happens to see this, the young man I gave this to will remember as well.


For many weeks now, I have been communicating with my new friends. I must admit, I didn’t expect such deep conversations at first that would force me to evaluate myself, as I’m evaluating myself now.

Where do I stand? What are my views? Am I different? Do I belong? Do I make sense? Do people make sense to me? Am I naive or stupid or innocent? Am I intelligent enough, positive enough, practical enough, secure enough?

Thinking about these today, I suddenly remembered an actual letter I wrote years ago for a 12-year-old boy who went to a retreat that year:

advice to young lad part 1

The young boy, in truth, is the son of my former Boss who had/has been a friend to me. I was chummy with this kid, whose not quite the kid now. He was going to a retreat with his whole batch in grade school and part of the requirements was for parents, relatives and/or friends to write letters addressed to them. These letters were supposed to be given to the teachers who would hand the letters to the students on the last day of the retreat. To my surprise, my Boss asked me to write one for him. I was surprised because she thought of me that much. And I was surprised because she trusted me enough to give her son some words of wisdom.

You’d think it would be easy. The words of wisdom were required to help the children. So I thought long and hard until finally, I came up with this. What surprised me more, it gave me the chance to do a lot of thinking.

So now, I am again doing a lot of thinking. But now, I realize, here they are, the stuff that I, myself, said a person actually needs…Fortunately, I still believe. I am still growing. And will still keep these words in mind. 🙂

Copyright © J.Gi Federizo


UPDATE: I wrote a second letter for him a few years after — Advice to a Young Lad [Part 2]


13 thoughts on “Advice to a Young Lad [Part 1]

  1. Far too many teens and preteens are growing up without any mentorship or guidance and church and family values are both out of vogue and ridiculed by large segment of adult population. Inner city life and dysfunctional families also illustrate the need for guidance in growing up.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree. The Christian church is changing a bit to reach the younger people as The Pope tries to be a bit more modern. Still, it will take A LOT to encourage young Christians in general. Of course, it should be the responsibility of the adults, not just the Church.


  2. This is gold!
    I mean you listed out the very basics that we all need but have forgotten to use.I loved the way you tried to keep the boy interested,not many people can do that.
    Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful piece of information.
    And- The best way to help yourself is to help others 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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